A review by liralen
The Forgotten Book by Mechthild Gläser


Now that's interesting: The Forgotten Book is inspired by Jane Austen, but not by only one book: rather than sticking to a Pride and Prejudice retelling, Gläser mixes things up: a bit of Pride and Prejudice, a bit of Emma, a bit of Northanger Abbey. It keeps things moving better than they might otherwise, because the story isn't quite as tied to a single very well-known plot. (The love interest and villain's identities, however, are pretty durn clear early on.)

One odd thing: it occasionally startled me that the story is contemporary—something about the setting/setup said historical fiction to me. Not that it matters, really, but I wonder how it might have been different if set in another time period.

As for the forgotten book...I love the question that it begs: if you found a diary that made the things you wrote come true—not always exactly as you had expected—what would you write? Would you take care with your words, stick only to trivial matters, or throw caution to the winds? What would you be willing to risk?