A review by leclerc
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood


I wish I could say that I loved this book since everyone seems to love it, maybe it's just that I don't like popular books or the 16272 reason why I had to force myself through this book.

In my opinion Adam and Olive had NO chemistry, I don't know if I'm not able to see it or if others saw more than me, but I didn't like them together. I literally didn't care about them at all they could have not ended up together, and I wouldn't blink with an eye.

The miscommunication in this made me want to rip my hair out like how could she NOT notice him being absolutely head over heels for her. He even bought her that disgusting pumping latte (who in their right mind even likes something like that).

Also, they way they made Adam seem like an asshole when he literally wasn't one. He gave criticism and if you need your criticism to be wrapped in bubble wrap then you should get a new Major. Oh, how dare he save you from being the worst scientist IN THE WHOLE WORLD.

The height difference comments every two pages made me cry. It hated it so much like OKAY, we get it. Now stop.

Chapter 16 wasn't even all that. Like everyone made it seem like it was the most life changing thing, but I have read better smut.

ALSO, I'm not a big fan of Adam Driver and since he was literally described every two seconds, I couldn't even imagine another person as Adam because Adam Driver popped into my head like an intrusive thought every time.

I was literally held at gun point to finish this book (by myself because I hate dropping books). I'm just sad that I didn't like this book like everyone did.