A review by arielx
The Best American Short Stories 1997 by Katrina Kenison, Annie Proulx



Under the Pitons by Robert Stone is possibly the best short story I've ever read. Stone has said that he learned not to throw the conflict in the plot in too early or too late, but in this work he weaves it in masterfully until, like the characters, paranoia sets in and you don't know where the true threat is until it's too late. The emotion is palpable, as is the pessimistic and wry despair of the main character, whose ultimate resignation to his fate smacks of the black humor which comes of events too stark and terrible to be fathomed rationally. Whew.

Killing Babies is also a worthwhile look into a flawed character interacting with a flawed world.

Honorable mentions:

Eternal Love, 'Fiesta, 1980', Missing Women

Take-home message:

Apart from a couple gems, this year was just average.