A review by sanduskt
The People Are Going to Rise Like the Waters Upon Your Shore: A Story of American Rage by Jared Yates Sexton


This book is a masterwork for understanding the current political climate we find ourselves in as a nation. Jared Yates Sexton recounts life on the road, going from Trump rally to Trump rally and to both political conventions. The overall uniting theme of it all- rage. Rage at Obama, rage at intellectuals, rage at the "establishment", rage at our multicultural/multiethnic/multireligious country - nothing but rage. And Donald Trump, with his blustery declarations, outright lies, aggression, bullshit, and Twitter wars fit the bill for so many who just wanted to be angry. So they rallied around him, knowing he was a bad candidate, knowing he's a bad politician, because he was aggressive and called out what they conceived as the liberal lies.

Our country is in a dark, dark place and it didn't come out of nowhere. It's been brewing in the shadows for the last several decades, behind closed doors and in the darkest corners of cyberspace. In the last eight years it has bubbled and boiled into public view and then exploded from channels like Fox News and Breitbart until it finally oozed out and took over everything. I only hope that we can continue to fight back without becoming overwhelmed.

Read this book. It is a must to not only figure out how we got here, but how to begin fighting back.