A review by heyitstomduffy
Batman: Hush 20th Anniversary Edition by Jim Lee, Jeph Loeb


I really had a blast revisiting this! I know a lot of big comics fans knock on Loeb these days and dismiss this book as a kind of "greatest hits CD" of a storyline but I actually think that's what I appreciate the most about it now. This book was one of my first major dives into "modern" comic books back when I was a kid and maybe it's mostly the nostalgia talking but I love this as a sort of time capsule of my ideal comics version of Batman and his world. Loeb's take on these characters is so familiar and comfortable, I think he's still way more influential to today's Batman than he gets credit for (and he gets a LOT of credit). Plus reading this after Tom King's run, it's refreshing to see this take on the Batman/Catwoman relationship. Loeb was always one of the best writers of that dynamic and this felt like a culmination of all the good stuff he had done with Tim Sale in the past.

Lots of fun! Managed to recapture some of that magic from when I was a kid.