A review by haletostilinski1
Oz by Lily Morton


This was sooo good! Lily Morton has yet to let me down and I love that. She always packs the right amount of humor and romance into her books to keep me laughing throughout but also swooning over the romantic couple. Plus there is also some sense of levity, some realism packed into the humor, and I love that.

Because people/situations can be funny in real life without it seeming to be unrealistic (unlike in comedy shows where usually the majority of everything is funny almost all the time). And Oz, who was definitely the funnier of the two, still had his serious moments and more than just humor to him.

I loved Silas too, who I had forgotten at first as being Henry's brother. So this series is somewhat of a spinoff to the Mixed Messages series with that connection.

Oz, who ends a horrible "relationship" (if you can call it that) at the start of the book, is looking for a new job when his best friend Shaun gives him a brochure type thing about a job as a house manager to a Lord in the country, and at first Oz is going to ignore it, but after a conversation with his mother, he changes his mind.

Although he still isn't expecting to get the job, what with his poor upbringing - even though he has the degree the ad for the job said was preferred although not required - and non-posh accent, so he basically just relaxes and is himself, and that means he thinks he botched it up.

But Niall, Silas' friend and the guy interviewing him, likes that he wasn't like all the other people they interviewed, and also saw a potential...ahem, love match between Oz and Silas ;)

And so he hires Oz and of course there IS a total love match between them. Right away there is a connection, and they make each other laugh, they make each other happy.

They try to stay away at first, because Oz already had a shitty experience with a boss right before this, and Silas had been sleeping with the house manager before Oz. But they can't hold out for long, their connection and chemistry is just too great for them to ignore.

I really really enjoyed this story, and Oz and Silas had an amazing connection and they were so sweet together (and HOT between the sheets ;)) and the romance was superb. This really was a romantic comedy and if RC are done well they can be so amazing.

There was some drama but not quite as much as I've seen in previous books by this author - usually near the climax when one or both of the MC's freak out and things go to shit for a bit - and it only last about one night. It was brewing and everything before that, but it wasn't made into this prolonged, melodramatic thing, which I appreciated.

I loved the appearance we got by Henry and Ivo as well, they're just so cute and hot together.

I think the next book is gonna be about Niall and Milo. If it's not then I will be surprised.

Definitely recommend this, for sure! :D