A review by jrlee27
Island by Aldous Huxley


I find myself reading a lot of Aldous Huxley lately, The Doors of Perception (DP), Brave New World (BNW), (some shorter stuff), and, now, Island. DP just seems like an unrepentant stoner's testament to me--totally biased and untrustworthy. OTOH, I think BNW has a lot going for it in the way of ideas. Now, Island. Huxley's last novel, Island, is littered with profundities for which I am quite enthused. BTAIM, I can't entirely get behind it because he's decided to wind it up with a vigorous attempt at making a case for use of psychedelic drug use to attain enlightenment such as a mystic would spend years of effort at. I am not saying I am a mystic, but I'd rather get at it honestly than having my perceptions altered (in Huxley's case, apparently unalterably) through psychedelic drugs.