A review by freadomlibrary
Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr


Plot - 4 out of 5 stars
Very slow in pace with lots of different points of views. Full of magic, intrigue and sabotage. Many strong personalities which help move the plot along.

Writing Style - 4 out of 5 stars
The first three words that come to mind when describing this style are dark, deliberate and detailed. The whole time it makes you feel like the writer is hiding something, at any moment something huge is about to happen. Also, loved the smart inserts of faery accounts at the beginning of each chapter.

Characters - 4 out of 5 stars
Overall, all the characters are incredibly complex and well developed. All of them have a specific part to play in the story and you never feel like they're in the way or too much. Our main character Aislinn/Ash is a really tough girl even when faced with things that she's been afraid of all her life. She's stubborn and protective of her life and her friends but she's also very vulnerable and I really liked her juxtaposition. We have two male protagonists who are both completely different and they play different parts in the book. One is rude, demanding, desperate and persistent. He's bound by an awful spell/prophecy so it makes him vulnerable but it's not really something he shows a lot. The other is amazing. Open, patient, accepting, passionate and brave. This one is my favorite of the two because he is thrust into something new even more than our main character and he just handles it really well.

SpoilerI read this book awhile ago and I'm glad I reread it because I really enjoyed it.

Everything about this book feels so deliberate, starting with the plot. It is really slow paced which may annoy some people but to me it felt like a step by step story. Everything had to come when it did to serve it's purpose. We got this girl who can see fairies and has tried all her life to ignore them who suddenly starts getting stalked by a faery king so it freaks her out. She seeks refuge in a good friend and tells him the truth and in trying to figure out what's going on they become more than friends. Because the pace is so constant, it was acceptable and it really added to the tension and mysterious aspects of the book. It was nice to have so many perspectives in one book, that way we get to see everyone's thoughts and opinions. Sometimes when you have so many points of views, you find out things before the main characters and in this one, it really didn't happen that much. Again, we're deliberately shown exactly enough to keep us intrigued but not enough to spoil us from all the perspectives. There are also some really heavy dark tones in this story, usually fairy books are more lighthearted but this one was definitely more sinister.

I really liked Ash. Although she has a tendency for running away from the things that bother her or are hard to deal with, it's part of her upbringing so I understand it. Slowly, she becomes more confident in dealing with those things and faces them head on. Otherwise, she is really brave and tough, stubborn and decisive. She has to stand up to a fairy king and she does it really well; doesn't back down and makes her decisions known and respected which was great.

Keenan was so incredibly annoying. While part of me understands and feels bad for him concerning his predicament, the other part was really turned off by his personality. He is really arrogant and manipulative, not just with Ash but with everyone around him. He's demanding and wants to be in control of everything and the way he goes about trying to get out of his curse was really awful. So many young women got turned into fairies because of his whims and he's not even a little apologetic about it. What bothered me the most was even though he was in love with Donia, he treated Ash like the love of his life and tried his hardest to trick her into loving him to save himself. Definitely not a fan of his.

Seth on the other hand is my bae. I LOVE HIM. I think he's the perfect counterpart for Ash, specially since he's so accepting of not only what she sees but what she has to become and he stands by her 100%. I'm glad that in the end she put her foot down and accepted the role she needed to but with her friends and family and Seth still in her life.