A review by stellarsphyr
Sudden Fiction: American Short-Short Stories by Robert Shapard, James Thomas


As with any anthology, there will be some sections that fall flat, while others astound. Sudden Fiction is more astounding than flat, and there are quite a few reasons why you should consider reading this collection:

The stories are short-short -- about 1 to 4 pages. You can breeze through ten before bed and feel quite accomplished (though you may want to take a break and digest some of the true zingers in this book).

The Afterwords section has blurbs from the authors of the stories trying to define the subgenre of the short-short story and its popularity -- so you may find yourself falling in love with a new way of telling stories.

For you aspiring writers out there, short-short fiction is a wonderful way to hone your skills as a writer since it focuses on the essentials of the story (you -must- be economical with your words to convey a story in a page or two). Of course, that means the subgenre brings with it a sort of special difficulty to it.