A review by maplessence
Your Perfect Year by Charlotte Lucas


This is a nice book. A perfectly nice book.

Unfortunately it is also very dull.

Some of it may be "lost in translation" (for example, the word alone is used twice in one sentence at 28% & there is a joke about a character's name earlier that I just didn't get) but I made it to 30% without anything interesting happening (although I had hopes about the fortune teller)

Jonathan Grief reminds me (a lot) of Sheldon Cooper (Big Bang Theory) and Don Tillman ([b:The Rosie Project|16181775|The Rosie Project (Don Tillman, #1)|Graeme Simsion|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1371651741l/16181775._SY75_.jpg|22084678]) and I've already watched the TV programme for the former and read the book for the latter.

