A review by abigailbat
All Men of Genius by Lev AC Rosen


Genius inventress Violet Adams wants nothing more than to be admitted to Illyria College, a the most prestigious scientific school in Victorian London. The problem? They don't admit women. Undaunted, Violet disguises herself as her twin brother Ashton and is admitted. However, keeping her secret proves even harder than she'd imagined with love affairs blossoming all around her and the discovery of strange leftover science experiments in the basement of the school.

I thoroughly enjoyed this imaginative novel. The characters are well developed and I always enjoy a women-disguised-as-man story. There's plenty of humor and romance, but also some creepy bits. The plot's fairly action-packed, though I did feel it was a bit too long. Though it's published for adults, this one will have loads of crossover appeal and I'd recommend it to high schoolers who have enjoyed Phillip Pullman's The Golden Compass, Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan, or Tamora Pierce's Lioness books.
