A review by jilljemmett
Valiant High by Daniel Kibblesmith


This story collects many characters from Valiant Entertainment comics and puts them in a high school setting.

I haven’t read many Valiant comics before, so I felt a little left out reading this story. I’m sure there were some jokes about the characters that I would have understood if I was familiar with the characters. The only one I recognized was X-O Manowar. I wish there was more to the story than just showing a variety of characters from their comics.

This comic reminded me of other series by comic book publishers that make all of their characters interact with each other. DC Comics has a few series which their super heroes in a school setting, such as DC Super Hero Girls and DC Comics: Secret Hero Society. Those series were better for me because I know the characters of DC Comics much better than Valiant entertainment.

If you’re a fan of Valiant comics, this would be a great comic for you!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher on NetGalley.