A review by evreardon
The Body Electric by Beth Revis


Ella Shepherd is fighting for the good of her country. Or so she thinks. Her parents were both scientists making strides in their fields. Her mother, Rose, created a way to relive your happiest memory, called reveries. Her father, attempted to create a cure for his wife's disease by using nanotechnology. One day, Ella receives a warning from a stranger. A stranger named Jack that seems to have known Ella and her father but she's never seen him before. Someone must have made her forget this boy. But who? Ella thinks she's going mad. She's seeing images of her dead father and doesn't know who she can trust. Will she figure out the secrets locked in her mind in time? Or will her life be in jeopardy?

The timeline is a little screwy to me. I can't figure out how many years ago Ella's dad died and when Akilah's and Ella's year of service began. It makes it a little confusing but it's easily overlooked.

Over all, I loved it. It's very sci-fi. And while it seems it's a standalone novel, I would love to read a second one or a novella describing how Jack and Ella come to terms with everything they know now.

Read my full review at http://justanotherbelle.wordpress.com/