A review by wisteriamoon
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell


AHHH! Friends, I am smiling like an idiot right now! Just like... full-on grinning. This was a silly silly book, but it was everything to me. And it made me so happy. I don't know what Rainbow Rowell puts in their books, but I'm in love. I'm obsessed. This book... yeah. I just am speechless. It made my hopeless-romantic, angst and magic-loving heart so happy! By all accounts, I shouldn't have liked this story. It's an enemies-to-lovers, slightly unlikeable characters, vampire book! And yet I am head over heels. And the ending was even good this time!! I know this book isn't perfect, and I know there's been some controversy about Rainbow Rowell, so I guess I should just note that. But this book was truly amazing. It's been a while since I've felt quite like this after reading a book! I had actual things to say but my brain is so scrambled... so here are the things I loved!

The dialogue! It was so well-written, and as someone who struggles with that particularly in my writing, I need to know how Rowell does it. The angst and the romance was sooo well-written. I loved the way she turned a classic story and its tropes upside down; not everyone are as they seem. The "evil rival," the "chosen one," the "fair meaden love interest..." all of them were packed with such nuance and I really appreciated that. I might come back later with more coherent things to say... but I loved reading Fangirl last year, and this was on the same level; if not even higher because it had a satisfying ending! I just fell in love with this book, and I'm not sure if I'll even read the sequels because I'm so satisfied with how the story ends... are they worth it? Someone let me know lol! Anyway, read this if you never really liked Harry as a character anyway, if you love a good "fools in love" lol romance, or if you just want a light, entertaining story that will sweep you off your feet and leave you sighing with contentment.