A review by soulwinds
Smoke and Mirrors by Julie Rowe


I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for a fair review

Thought and Plot

Kini is trying to gather information for the CDC to help with a possible vaccine for the deadly Hantavirus when threats against her start to rise. Kini is thrown into a race against time as more and more people start arriving with the early symptoms of this highly contagious virus and the mortality rate starts to rise. It’s obvious that someone is behind the outbreak and is trying to use Kini (and therefore the CDC) as a scapegoat.
Enter ex-military man sergeant Smoke. Smoke has endured several tours and knows that he’s getting to old to play soldier. But he has been avoiding his hometown and the memories of his son. So in order to do that, he decides to grab some supplies and head out into the desert to attempt heal. But those plans go out the window almost instantly when he lays eyes on Kini. This is the ultimate ‘love at first sight,’ I think. In fact, the author even goes so far as to point it out, which gave me a chuckle and allowed me to forgive her a little bit because I’m not usually one for insta-love.

”When the hell did you have time to fall in love with her? You only met her three days ago.”

“About thirty seconds after I met her.”

Smoke is…the ultimate romance hero just about. He immediately decides to help Kini. He’s willing to shield her from everything negative that is directed at her. Keeping her safe and helping her figure out what is really going on is his prime mission. He doesn’t talk overly much, but Kini can read him like a book. Their connection is probably what made the book for me (and I love action). Plus their humor…yeah. They were what made the book.

In Conclusion
While this book did have the dreaded insta-love within it, I mostly forgave the author because a) she pointed it out in a humorous way, b) it worked. This book is pretty action packed and the two love birds were adorable. I would definitely recommend this book and read more like it!