A review by becks_books
Planetary, Volume 1: All Over the World and Other Stories by Warren Ellis


One of these days I swear I'll read something by DC that I like, but alas! This is not that day.
First off- the characters were really one dimensional. I couldn't tell what they were like or what their motivations were. maybe it's explained in later volumes but we get barely any information in this volume about what these people are like and why the hell I should care. So far there's this 100 year old guy who I think has super powers? He seems... standoffish. There's a woman with a weird asymmetric top that just looks way too tight to be running around finding space crap in, she also seems standoffish? Like the typical "badass girl" thing. No thanks. Also she has superpowers. Not sure which ones. And there's this guy who's there I think for comedy or something (hard to tell, it wasn't very funny) and he's the dumb one I guess. He seems to have powers too? I don't know. Everything was so badly explained​. I just want to sleep.

The plot was very clunky- each comic is kind of a standalone story linked with the others, and I didn't like any of them. Most of them felt like they just weren't explained well enough (could also be I gave up paying much attention near the end so I really don't know what happened there) and the stories just ended kind of abruptly with no conclusion. I didn't understand what was happening most of the time and maybe I should re-read it and focus really hard (I won't be doing that) or maybe I'd understand it more if I knew more about the DC universe and really got into DC comics? (Probably won't do that either)