A review by maddoxx
Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell


I'd like to summarize my experience with this book in one sentence: Thank fuck that's over.

Rainbow Rowell has a way of describing romance that I very much like. Back with Carry On (which I read a few years ago) that was enough to win me over.
With Wayward Son, though, I've noticed that I don't like Simon or Penelope all that much. Which isn't on them, really, I just find their personality ... unpleasant. Like the kind of people that I wouldn't get along with in real life. I can't sympathize with them. Maybe they were better characters in Carry On, I don't really remember anymore.

Either way, the worldbuilding in this book is absolute dogshit. It's fine if it doesn't take the biggest spot in your story so you don't explain it all that much, but Wayward Son kept shattering my suspension of disbelief every other page.
The pacing was frankly terrible. The cliffhanger at the end was so ham-fisted that Rowell might as well have written "The End... OR WAS IT??"

I was genuinely quite excited for this book. Rowell's writing style has a nice flow to it and is very digestible. Doesn't help much if the plot is fucked. And the characters.
There were so many new ideas introduced here and none of them were executed well.

The fights were fun but they felt utterly pointless because it didn't matter if Simon and Baz got riddled by bullets like swiss cheese, it's fine, c'mon guys, it's fiiiine. I didn't even give a shit about their relationship at that point anymore. Miscommunication is the worst and most boring way to create tension possible. It only gets topped by a love triangle, honestly. Luckily- oh wait. Fuck. (Sorry, another review made that joke already, but jesus christ.)
It's kind of astonishing how no progress was made whatsoever but at the same time things were happening way too fucking fast but well, like I said, pacing issues.

I think that's all I can muster. Like I said. Thank fuck that's over.