A review by beaktastic
The Rogue by Trudi Canavan


It's been a few years since I read the first book in this trilogy or the first trilogy, so it took me a long time to get back into this book. It took awhile for me to remember who all the characters are, the storylines and the magic system etc. It did eventually come back to me by the time I was halfway through the book, but it did make it harder for me to get into initially which I think may be part of why I didn't really enjoy this book for the first half.

I also felt that it took awhile to get into the main action and drama and that some of the drama seemed fairly pointless. I like Dannyl but the majority of his story in this book was quite irrelevant apart from a few moments particularly towards the end and I wonder if this will be expanded upon in the third book.

There were some new characters introduced as well in this book, the most prominent of which is a young novice at the Magician's Guild called Lilia who I thought was a nice and interesting addition to the 'cast' as it were. She was incredibly naive though it seemed to me and some of the twists related to her and her storyline seemed very obvious, and it was slightly annoying that she couldn't see them and I couldn't quite tell if Canavan expected us to believe them as well or expected us to to be able to see through them too.

Overall though, I quite enjoyed the book but I felt that little really happened for a long time and I found it quite hard to get into, although it's hard to tell if that's due to the book or if it's just because it's been awhile since I read the first book.