A review by youmeandem
The 2000s Made Me Gay: Essays on Pop Culture by Grace Perry


i was born at the tail end of the millenial era, but this book once again confirmed i at least lived much of the millenial experience—or at the very least the gay millennial experience. the only sign of me possibly falling into gen z territory was the lack of "oh my god santana and brittany!!!" in the final chapter, which, valid considering grace perry was 19 when glee happened and already starting to come out. i, on the other hand, am integrally formed by santana and brittany.

finally i'd like to point out that regina george is in fact a lesbian and i feel very strongly about grace perry having an understandably different opinion yet not including my specific opinion in her own book

tl;dr amazing and relatable content that i highly recommend any (late) millenial read