A review by merrrry
A Snake Lies Waiting: The Definitive Edition by Jin Yong



Ripped through this one even faster than the last two, but actually liked it less :/

Nothing really happened in this one — they were stuck on the island for a while, then stuck in that secret room for a long long time while every single character found some convoluted reason to appear in the inn of that town for a hot sec and fight each other. I'm surprised that two pretty major antagonists were killed, although it makes sense since both were getting pretty repetitive and their characters weren't really going anywhere. I'm also disliking Yang Kang more and more. He was an immature and selfish git from the beginning, now he's getting more shamelessly slimy. I'd hoped we'd get some character development and internal conflict from him, but guess not. Also, why is Mu Nianci even still here? Girl hasn't done anything of substance in ages.

In the end, I still had fun reading this even though it wasn't as exciting as the second book. I am now trying to figure out the fastest way I can get my hands on the last book.