A review by deb248211
Bowl Full of Cherries by Raine O'Tierney


What a brilliant Christmas story about learning to love oneself, even if it does require something of a kickstart from somebody else first.

Crowley has such low self esteem - about his weight, and undoubtedly expounded by his mother's...grr. Dislike. But anyway, it's safe to say he isn't expecting 'love' to blossom in the way that it does.

Averell is Crowley's roommate's twin, and he's awesome. That's all you need to know. He's not a slacker, he's a dude with a cool attitude, taking life just as it comes.

This best have a sequel, Raine, or I might just have to write one myself!

Amazing story, lots of sweet, gorgeous Raine O'Tierney loveliness, with a few tearful moments. Recommended Christmas reading, but will lighten the darkest day all year round!