A review by jaimearkin
For the Longest Time by Kendra Leigh Castle


I’m going to just straight out say it. I love romance. I love swoony guys. And I love LOVE!!! I was first introduced to the words of Kendra Leigh Castle in the form of a PNR series and when I saw that she had a contemporary romance coming out, I knew I had to get my hands on it.

In For the Longest Time, we meet Sam. Sam’s had a rough go of things lately and she’s headed back to her small hometown to figure out where she goes next. Sam has never considered the town of Harvest Cove home even though that’s where she grew up. The whole place holds a lot of bad memories of being teased and bullied just because she didn’t fit the mold of what people considered normal.

Upon her arrival at her mom’s house, she encounters a kitten who claims her as his own… quickly followed by Jake, the guy who crushed her when she was younger. Jake has had things pretty good for most of his life. He was the popular jock in high school with a pretty girlfriend and friends who he’s stuck with over the years. Now he’s the town vet with his own house and a rambunctious dog, he's still well known and well liked around town. When he comes face to face with Sam he’s reminded of the friendship he had pursued when they were younger … and the way he treated her in the end.

This is something of a second chance story. While these two never really made it to a relationship when they were younger, there were definitely feelings. And the big question for Sam is whether or not she can move past the hurt she experienced at Jake’s hands…. Because he’s interested in her now and he’s determined not to let his friends influence him this time.

The romance here is sweet and sexy and the characters are fun and I really enjoyed getting to know each of them. Both Jake and Sam were likable and it was so fun getting to see them reconnect and build trust in each other.

If you’re a fan of Jill Shalvis or Kristen Higgins you’re going to want to pick this book up… definitely reminiscent of The Lucky Harbor series … and that’s good news for me because with that series ending and this one starting, I won’t have to go on a hunt to find my contemporary romance fix… Kendra Leigh Castle and the Harvest Cove Crew are definitely on my ‘must read’ list from here on out.

Thank you to Penguin for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest thoughts!