A review by judythereader
Gypped by Carol Higgins Clark


On a return visit to Los Angeles, Regan Reilly runs into a woman she had connected with several years before and then lost touch with. Zelda is glad to see and immediately invites Regan to a party that night at her home. With her husband tied up on police training, Regan agrees to go and finds herself caught in a mystery when Zelda becomes ill.

This book has too many characters, too much plot, not enough action. There is a mystery. More than one. At least 3 and maybe more. Zelda's life is a crazy mess and Regan has to figure it out. Everything in the story is based on chance, even as clues are found before the characters even know there is danger. Even the wrap-up at the end has to add random happenstance into it.

Regan is a competent and intelligent woman. I like her. I like her husband, although he seems too good to be true. Zelda is not a woman I would let be my life coach as nice as she is. At least not if I could see her life.

It's a fun book, but the word slight seems to have been created for it. I did this an audio-book. There are only 5 discs and listening to it only driving to and from work, I finished 15 minutes into my Friday commute. I honestly don't know that I would ever truly read one. I might commute with one again though.