A review by xlovelylaurencalistax
Breakable by Tammara Webber


I stand by everything I said in my review of Easy.

The scenes of intimacy were so incredible because they weren't just "Ooh so sexy," but also "Oh wow, that's love."

I loved getting to know Landon/Lucas on a more personal level. I loved knowing how he reacted to things, specifically his mother's death and his feelings toward Jacqueline.

Landon's grandfather...Oh my goodness. Best character ever. So hilarious and just a good man at heart. So was Charles Heller. Loved him. I just really adored the grandfather. You see how his dad was somehow coming around at the end and I smiled at that fact.

I want Lucas & Jacqueline to get married & I want to read about it so badly that I might just write a fanfic. But I'm too nervous about completely wrecking this brilliant story.

Quotes I adored (besides the ones in my updates):

-"Luck could be earned and created. It could be discovered. It could be regained."

-"Every moment was a before and an after. Every moment was a now to be lived."