A review by inny
A Question of Holmes by Brittany Cavallaro


Well, this is my first time writing a review. So, bear with me please ..
This may contain spoilers for the ones who don’t want them ..

This is my favorite book of the series ..

But ..

I didn’t like the ending, it was painful.
I understand that it maybe the perfect ending -for now- concerning their romantic relationship. But I don’t like it ..

We were inside Watson’s head for three books and he’s always hurting. No matter what he or Holmes do, he’s always the one mostly wronged. And Holmes was not helping at all. She always cares about his physical health but not mental or emotional health.

The previous books blots were kind of jumbled and messy and lacking because they were Watson’s POV.
This one’s blot is firm, connected and understandable. We were living Holmes’ process, thoughts and how she thinks. This book made us understand her more.
That’s what made it the best one.

In every Sherlock Holmes story, movie or series, we were the Watsons. We see the magic tricks and then we back track to how they’re done. This book allowed us to live the process of how a Holmes think.
Thank you for that