A review by jaimejustreadsromance
About That Kiss: A Heartbreaker Bay Novel by Jill Shalvis


It should come as no surprise that I liked this book since, as I’ve said time and time again, Jill Shalvis is my favorite go-to, always reliable author. Surprisingly the Heartbreaker Bay series is the first series of hers that I’ve read in order, as they release and, frankly, I’m thoroughly enjoying the journey.

Joe and Kylie were a really fun couple to see come together. Kylie is headstrong and brave and just the perfect person to keep Joe on his toes. Both of them are harboring secret guilt but an overt sexual attraction and a strong instant chemistry might be just what they both need to get over themselves.

What I like about Jill Shalvis is how she is able to take a pretty standard romance formula and somehow manage to make each of her stories, and it’s characters unique and special. There were times in this book where I thought I had the mystery of who stole the wooden penguin and their motive all figured out, but I was totally off-base. I love that she was able to take a formulaic romance and add a dash of suspense/mystery without making it overly dramatic and predictable. I once said that I wish that somehow Jill Shalvis was in charge of creating the personalities for all the men of the world and I stand by that statement to this day.

*I received an ARC from the author for voluntary review