A review by readtiltheworldisblurry
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green


I only just read this book, and I'm soooooooooooooooo glad I did. My friend actually said she watched the movie and that it was so good, that I had to watch it. I didn't, because I like reading before watching (to keep the magic and mystery all my own), and I was grateful that I did.

The Fault In Our Stars takes every romance cliché..... and ignores it. It's unique, funny, romantic, and tragic all rolled up into a few hundred pages. It makes you want to have a love story that's as true and wonderful as Hazel and Augustus'. Probably the greatest book I've ever read, it's a book that everyone can enjoy until you turn the last page.


(I wish the rules would let me give it eleven, but since I can't......)