A review by robinlovesreading
Cold Nose, Warm Heart by Mara Wells


Riley has one thing in mind - well, that is after unplugging a clogged drain, changing a few light bulbs... - she needs to save her grandmother's building. Her grandmother, and a host of other elderly people, and their fantastic pets, all live at The Dorothy.

Caleb Donovan is connected to The Dorothy as well. After all,, he has plans. He is going to tear it down and build luxury condominiums. Little did Caleb realize what he would have to face in order to meet his objective. Caleb also plans on turning the local dog park into a parking structure.

Opposition towards Caleb and his ideas stop him dead in his tracks. Riley is currently the building manager and she is one of the people Caleb must fight against. It is business first, now if he could just get Riley to see that.

Not only do we see the war that is bound to explode between Caleb and Riley during the pages of this book, but we meet some delightful pets, like LouLou, the little poodle Riley adopted. I loved the scenes when Riley took LouLou to the dog park and how she had owr own group of friends. That was a pure delight.

Another enjoying factor while reading this book was the development and growth of the relationship between Caleb and Riley. And I just loved the feisty old neighbors. If I ever end up in an over-65 building I would love for it to be just like The Dorothy. Cold Nose, Warm Heart is the first book in a new series by Mara Wells. I look forward to reading about more canine shenanigans and couples finding love.

Many thanks to Sourcebooks Casablanca and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.