A review by justmevictoria
Burnout by Rebecca Jenshak


Because the pretty pink girl always falls for the moody black bad boy… 

When his bad reputation results in him without a team, motocross racer Knox Holland is unsure of what he’ll do when the new season rolls around. For the time being though, he’s trying his luck at freestyle in the hopes it’ll show his former team manager that he is a team player and deserves another chance. But freestyle isn’t as easy as his friend Colton makes it out to be. When Colton suggests training with college gymnast, with two Olympic medals under her belt, Knox thinks he’s lost the plot - what could a gymnast teach him about performing tricks on a bike. From the moment Knox and Avery met, there’s been tension beneath the surface - he’s a bad boy and she’s a princess. At least according to each other. Neither have any intention of getting into a relationship given their sights are both set on excelling in their own competitions. But as their walls break down the more they train together, they can’t help but give into their feelings and attraction for one another. 

I’m ashamed to admit how long it too me to realise that Knox Holland is THE Knox Holland from Tempting The Player… Like, I knew this was another installment in Rebecca’s Valley U universe, but it just did not click for a few chapters that we had already met Knox in a previous book! So then finding out that this was the first book in a series about the rest of the Holland siblings had me every more excited about Rebecca’s books than I usually am! 

Knox and Avery were oozing chemistry and sexual tension from the get-go and I could not get enough! They have such fun banter with one another, lots of swoon, and a nice sprinkling of spice. I swear each couple that Rebecca crafts is better than the last (how that is possible, I do not know) and they quickly take the top spot of her pairings. No matter what tropes she throws at her couples, even ones we’ve seen from her before, at no point does her work feel repetitive or rehashed - every couple is fun and unique, and Avery and Knox join the ranks of some of my favourites. 

As always, I love getting to see previous leading couples again and seeing what their lives are like now. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times - the Valley U universe is one of my absolute favourite romance universes, and Rebecca continues to expand her world with sweet and swoony couples and a wonderful variety of sports. If you are a lover of sports and college romances, these books are an absolute MUST. I cannot wait for the rest of this series and then whatever new addition Rebecca is cooking up for this world. 

Get ready to swoon for the tattooed bad boy and jump on his motorbike for an unforgettable ride!