A review by currant7
Kiss Me Not by Emma Hart



Halley Dawson is an interesting character with her preferring wild animals' company versus people. She believes animals are more honest versus people - you know where you stand, sort of philosophy. This also explains the occupation she chose - librarian.
She is currently the town fair's defending kissing champion and also the daughter of the mayor. She takes the role seriously. No one seems to want to compete with Halley this year, so the mayor, her dad, had to call in a favor from one of his friends - who unknowingly had his motives in volunteering to be opposite Halley.

Preston Wright is Reagan's brother, Halley's best friend, and assigned as this year's kissing booth challenger - Halley's competitor. Preston, deemed the town's most eligible bachelor, plans to give Halley a "run for her money" regarding snatching the coveted Kiss Booth crown. He is a level-headed guy who has to fend off a good share of women, given his community's status.

This book is a cute story about Preston and Halley and their undeniable attraction from the start.
Things I love about Book 1:-
-> Reagan and Ava: two of Halley's best friends, who "pushed" both Preston and Halley into each other since both main characters deny their "true feelings" for each other. Their "back-door" dealings between the main characters are sometimes hilarious. I wonder how could both of these gals know so much when it just happened an hour ago, then they come crashing on whichever character that they need to "knock some senses" to. Readers can assume who I mean here.
-> Halley's determination to help with the fundraising efforts, even if it is to be around Preston, who she "hates." She can avoid Preston, but he keeps popping up in her world outside of the booth that makes her wonder, what is Preston's deal?!
-> Preston's persistence in getting to know Halley and her weird ways is endearing. He believes that by "working together" with Halley, he would find something awful about her and "be turned off" with his Halley-fascination.

The raccoon family members will get readers going - adorable but hilarious at the same time!
In summary, Kiss Me Not is a great start to the series. It's got an easy vibe with the focus directly on the two main characters. The writing is clear and relatable. Preston and Halley have great chemistry that is both funny and witty. They keep the story interesting to keep the pages turning. There is no cliffhanger, but it does hint for the second book, in the end, to give readers a sneak peek.
FYI - the ending on that epilogue had me choke on my drink! Reagan's story is going to be a hoot!