A review by veronica87
Bookburners by Mur Lafferty, Max Gladstone, Margaret Dunlap, Brian Francis Slattery


Well, that was fun. This was originally written as a weekly serial and laid out as if it were a television show, albeit written in traditional story format rather than as a script. Four authors undertook to write 16 "episodes" comprised of 5-6 chapters per episode, with each author writing their own episodes. You'd think the result would make for a jarring transition of writing styles when moving from one author's episode to another's but it really didn't. It all flowed rather well.

The story deals with magic, demons, and a secret organization within the Vatican that is tasked with keeping dangerous magic from entering the world. Pledged to this cause is Team Three: a hacker, an archivist, a fighter, a priest, and a newly recruited cop. Much as with a television show, I found myself getting more and more sucked into the misadventures of Team Three, complete with interesting twists and reveals.

Overall this felt like a mix of actual televisions shows, Warehouse 13 and The Librarians - with a bit of Haven thrown in. A second season is already written and available for purchase as individual episodes at Serial Box publishing but I'm torn between diving in right now or waiting for all of season two to be published in a single volume (as they've done with season one). Either way, I'll continue to follow Team Three's adventures.