A review by hopeylope
The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume D: The Romantic Period by Carol T. Christ, M.H. Abrams, Alfred David, Stephen Greenblatt


Read: Introduction, "Kubla Khan", Preface to Lyrical Ballads, Ballads Introduction, "The Wife of Usher's Well", "Sir Patrick Spens", "The Negro's Complaint", "La Belle Dame sans Merci: A Ballad", Sonnet Introduction, "To Sleep", "On Being Cautioned", "Westminster Bridge", "The world is too much with us", "Surprised by Joy", "Steamboats, Viaducts, and Railways", "Ozymandias", "England in 1819", "Chapman's Homer", "Bright Star", "Ode" (Wordsworth), "Dejections: An Ode", "Ode on Melancholy", "Ode on a Grecian Urn", The 1805 Prelude: Intro and Book First, Don Juan: Intro and Canto I, A Defense of Poetry, "The Thorn", "The Little Black Boy", "The Interesting Narrative", "Sorrows of Yamba", "One the Slave Trade", "Slave Trade", "The Chimney Sweeper", "We Are Seven", "Resolution and Independence", "A Vindication of the Rights of Women", "The Ruined Cottage", "Rime of the Ancient Mariner", "The Lamb", "On Another's Sorrow", "The Sick Rose", "The Garden of Love"