A review by themanfromdelmonte
The Ember Blade by Chris Wooding


Sigh It's too long, and almost indigestibly wordy at times. And it insists on following every viewpoint.
It’s taken 824 pages to get to the end of the first instalment. Let me sum up for you, Aren is Frodo, Cade is Sam, Carrick is Boromir, Vika/Mara are/is Gandalf, the Dreadknights are the Nazgul, Hammerholt is Mount Doom.
In the next books I'm sure we'll encounter whatever fell entity is directing the Krodan Empire (psst, it's Sauron) but I haven't the patience to wade through any more. I will also now shelve The Lies Of Locke Lamora, possibly indefinitely.
(It's also hard to credit that Aren is only 16.)