A review by katyanaish
Shades of Hate by K.N. Banet


I love this series and these characters, and I loved this book, but it felt a little bit like a bridge taking us into the next book. Couple things that stand out to me though:

1 - I loooooove seeing Heath and Jacky's relationship continue to evolve, and seeing how stable and supportive it is. These two are the perfect counterbalance for each other.

2 - holy shit I may die of anxiety waiting for the news of them to come out

3 - fuck Davor, he is literally trash

4 -
SpoilerThe Liza connection came way out of left field to me. Was this tying up an old loose end so Liza can stop being a boat anchor on Jacky's relationship with her family?

5 - teen angst bitchy Carey was not my favorite

6 - no seriously, fuck Davor. And I'm mad at the rest of them for letting Davor get away with his shit

7 - except Zuri. I love her, and her scenes with Jacky gave me all the feels. Seriously, the spine of this series is the relationship with Hasan and his children, and I love watching it evolve. Except Davor, fuck him.

8 - the werewolves need to get taken down about 10 pegs, because book after book has made it clear that they feel they are above the law, and their society is a dumpster fire the size of Mt. Saint Helens. They need an epic beatdown, so they stop thinking they can walk all over everyone like they tried to do in the end of this book. I mean a large scale, absolutely epic smackdown that makes them check their ego.

9 - ❤️ Landon and Dirk. #fetch

10 - fuck Davor and his monstrous behavior. The only individual more in need of a beatdown than him is Callahan. But seriously, why hasn't Hasan or Jabari beaten his ass yet?

Gimme the next! *grabby hands*

Re-read April 2023
On this re-read, after Secrets and Ruin, I don't disagree with my original review at all. But I'll say point 8 from the above list is my strongest feeling right now. How are the werewolves not in serious shit, with the whole Tribunal lined up against them, for everything that happened in this book?

SpoilerThe werewolves murdered one of Hasan's children. Tried to murder another. And also exposed their whole species to humans! I don't care that it was one dickhead alpha and not the whole lot of them, the werewolves should have lost a LOT of power in the supernatural community over this. They're toying with war by murdering Hasan's children. And the threat of exposing other species? Fucking intolerable. I can't believe the entire supernatural community hasn't turned on them to DEMAND they clean house and get their fucking people in line. First Russia and now this? And the way Callahan and his shitbag alpha boys act like they don't have to respect the Tribunal Law when they show up at the end of this book? Inexcusable. I want to see everyone band together against the werewolves so that Corissa has to step in and lay down the law, like she did over Russia.