A review by wildflowerz76
The Final Formula by Becca Andre


Let's be honest: most of the books I get for free or super cheap on the Kindle are crap. There's a reason why they're relegated to the "gym reading" folder. It's because they're so light and fluffy and full of nothing that it's easy to zone out while I'm on the treadmill. And while this book didn't require a whole lot of brain power on my part to read, it was very fun and enjoyable.

I used to read a lot of urban fantasy. But at some point, you've read all the really good ones and all you've got left is the crap or anything "new" feels old because you've just read it before. So I haven't read a whole lot of UF in a while. But I'm definitely glad I checked this one out. I'm putting the next on my to-read list for sure.

One note, though: the cover is kind of awful.