A review by prettywoofears
Fix Her Up by Tessa Bailey


(I don’t believe there are any major spoilers in this review, but read at your own risk just to be safe)

No shade to whoever enjoyed this; but honestly I struggle to understand the high ratings.

First, the characters:

Georgie literally contradicted her desire to be taken seriously with her thoughts and occupation, and Travis was annoying and adolescent like, despite his age. His random “change of heart” in the final chapters was jarring as well. Stephen could be cut and nothing would change, except there would be one less annoyingly “overprotective” male character. The other female side characters were seemingly there to give possibility to the sequels(?), but I don’t remember their scenes advancing the plot at all.

Continuing with the plot—it felt aimless at times, and a bit padded with filler, and the only humor I found was in the cringy prose and metaphors. Admittedly, that kept me reading the book. Personal favorite? Something along the lines of “it was like sitting on rolled up aluminum foil.” And nobody could forget “little sister tit”, even after all Travis’s claims that he saw Georgie as an adult.

As for the smut... the first scene was all right, some of the “dirty talk” was all right, but most of it was silly, awkward, or straight second-hand-embarrassment-inducing.

Overall, I’ve read worse, but it’s definitely put me off Tessa Bailey books. For the people who enjoyed it, I’m glad they did.