A review by snoakes7001
The Gender Games: The Problem with Men and Women, from Someone Who Has Been Both by Juno Dawson


Reading this book is like being curled up on the sofa with a really good mate (who just happens to be trans), a mug of tea and a box of chocolates and having a really deep conversation, getting answers to all those questions you would never dared ask for fear of prying. Juno is extremely candid and while she is quite clear that everyone's experience is different (she's not trying to be a spokesperson for the whole trans community) it's extremely interesting, informative and eye-opening. She is also pretty forthright - if you are sensitive about swearing then this might not be the book for you (and I suspect Juno would have zero fucks to give in that case). Personally I really liked her informal style - as I say, it gives the impression that you are talking to a mate. She charts her own experience of living in the wrong body as a child, trying to fit in and behave like a real 'boy', then coming out as a gay man before finally realising that transition is the right path for her. But it isn't just a memoir, she also has a lot to say about the social construct that is gender, how people's expectations of us is still so dependent on what's in our pants, and how this benefits no-one. I've read a few books around the subject of gender recently and Juno's really personalises the issues and makes them real. As a white middle aged straight woman who was never girly as a child and never conformed to the traditional role expected of me I found it truly enlightening. I recommend this to everyone, whatever your personal experience.