A review by cyireadbooks
Of Mutts and Men by Spencer Quinn


Of Mutts and Men is the 10th installment of the series featuring Bernie Little and his canine companion, Chet of the Little Detective Agency. Together, Bernie and Chet solve crimes in an almost unbelievable way.

Narrated from Chet's point of view, the story is entertaining and sprinkled with a lot of witty humor. However, the humor does get a little wearisome as it does take away from the entire plot.

Without getting into too much detail, Bernie is invited to a meeting by a hydrologist at a canyon only to find the hydrologist murdered -- throat slit from ear to ear. Evidence gathered at the scene leads to a petty thief. But all evidence against this thief is circumstantial. Now it's up to Bernie and Chet to find the real killer.

A book and series well suited for teens and some YA fans. Very entertaining for me. 3.5 stars rounded up -- I liked it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillian/Tor-Forge Books for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.