A review by eswann
Love with Every Beat by K.L. Shandwick


KL Shandwick, where do I begin? I loved reading about Alfie’s versions of events, I actually preferred it to Lily’s perspective! When I read the Everything Trilogy, I found myself constantly asking: ‘What is Alfie thinking at this point? Why is this happening?’ so to actually be able to read about it was amazing! We learn a hell of a lot about Alfie, his motives, his real feelings and more importantly the reasons behind his actions! Don’t get me wrong I really liked the character of Alfie in the Everything trilogy, but reading his point of view made me love him! I don’t want to spoil it for anyone so I’ll just say it is not what it seems! Shandwick has managed to create the perfect rocker in my eyes! Alfie is a passionate, kind, loving and amazing man that does not conform to the ‘norm’ and stereotype of rockers – I want an Alfie!
Love With Every Beat is beautifully written, KL’s writing style is becoming more pronounced and inspiring. The soundtrack is amazing! The lyrics that she wrote herself are beautiful and just so very impressive! Her ability to recreate a male POV is flawless, I’m used to a change in POVs being for a chapter or just one book but KL has managed to tell Alfie’s perspective over the three books without sounding repetitive.
KL Shandwick’s writing career is still a fairly young one but I know it is going to be a long one. I for one will be on clicking every step of the way!

(I apologise if this review isn’t as well written as my normal ones – I’m still coming down from this emotional book hangover!)