A review by crowyhead
Dreams in a Time of War by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o


This book was slow going because I was mostly reading it during my lunch hour at work, but it's a good read. Ngugi wa Thiong'o is an acclaimed author, and in this memoir he tells of his life growing up in Kenya during WWII and the Mau Mau uprising. When I started reading this book, I knew very little about Kenyan history, so this made some of the events difficult to follow. On the other hand, it has spurred me to learn more about the greater political climate at the time. Sometimes the book can be a bit hard to follow, because the narrative is not always linear; it's more like listening to someone talk than reading a book, as the author is reminded of incidents or backtracks to explain something that has not been mentioned before. Sometimes this can be confusing, but it is also a rewarding experience.