A review by lauriereadsrom1
Fall Hard by Laurelin Paige


As "Fall Hard" began, main character Chloe had decided to take a break from dating in order to focus on the launch of her new pottery business, Mae'd with Love. Her newfound resolve was tested when she met a handsome bearded artist and ended up sharing a booth with him at her first craft show. At first, Ryan seemed like he could be her perfect match, but it wasn't long before doubts started to creep in and Chloe realized that Ryan wasn't as perfect as he initially seemed. Besides that, a fight with her best friend, Charlotte, made Chloe realize that she wasn't quite as over her crush on her roommate, Austin, as she'd thought she was.

This story was even funnier than the first two! I couldn't help laughing at Chloe's inner monologue and the crazy situations she somehow managed to get herself into. I also enjoyed the continued evolution of the dynamic between Chloe and Austin. I've been rooting for them to end up together since the beginning of the series, and Austin's behavior in this episode really made it seem as if he secretly returned her feelings. The sandwich-making lesson he gave Chloe was so loaded with heat and innuendo that it's a miracle the two of them didn't spontaneously combust and start a kitchen fire!

Overall, I loved "Fall Hard" and highly recommend it for fans of chick lit and romantic comedy. I can't wait to find out what happens in episode #4!

*Review copy provided by the author via Candi Kane PR. All opinions expressed are my own.