A review by kerrithebookbelle
Ever Alice by H. J. Ramsay


Trigger warning: genre typical violence, murder, beheading, gaslighting

***I was granted an ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. All opinions are uninfluenced.***

Ever Alice follows Alice several years after she returns from Wonderland. Her family has placed her in an asylum for treatment, but the White Rabbit comes back for her and she returns to Wonderland as part of a secret organization trying to kill the Queen of Hearts, Rosamund.

This started off super strong and then quickly deteriorated. Alice started off as a fun character with personality and strength but somehow by the 50% mark had devolved to the blandest of bland white girls. Literally, there was a whole scene where Alice is crushing on the Prince of Hearts and she says not ONE thing the whole "conversation"; the guy ends up carrying the whole convo. 

Aside from the character devolution, the plot itself became less and less engaging as it went on. Again, it started strong but quickly it became super slow. If you're a fan of slow, political stories, you may enjoy this but I need plot and action to enjoy a story so I slogged through most of this. 

I will say that originally thought that the ending wrapped up too nicely but then one chapter completely changed my mind. Unfortunately, a solid ending wasn't able to redeem the majority of the book being a whole lot of nothing. So while I enjoyed the fun easter eggs from the original story throughout, overall I wouldn't really recommend this one. There's plenty of Alice retellings out there, and this unfortunately was not one of the better ones.