A review by leopardseal
Treason's Shore by Sherwood Smith


mhmmmm i think this book's strongest aspect was the presentation and resolution of the series' questions and themes, especially in how they were explored through the characters' arcs and actions. all the tie-backs to previous books to wrap up those themes were nice, from evred's promises to inda and jeje to tdor's "making, not tearing nets".

i very much appreciate the happy endings hhhhhhh. i would've liked
Spoilera final tie-up for signi and durasnir. also im curious what tau did for the 15 years before he and evred got back together

i really want to reread at least the first two books so i can better grasp the set-up of evred's and inda's arcs, especially since i now know how the story ends. i want to see the mirroring of evred and his uncle, and how inda has and hasn't changed from the beginning.

very pleased by how smith developed minor characters, such as rajnir, and just paid attention to smaller details of worldbuilding and characters. maybe i'll have to reread for this, but i wish
Spoilermore development had been given to erkric? more to his motives, at least. maybe it was better explained in book one or two, but i don't really know why he would be so determined to conquer the world and ruin his kingdom so the mages can have more power. thinking about it, it has to do with norsunder, which i still don't super understand the attractiveness of it? so i should reread the fox to see if i can glean more about that. or maybe read other smith books.

pleasantly surprised by how fox's arc turned out. wasn't sure what i was expecting but i am satisfied. still very amused how
Spoilerfox lost a fight one (1) time to a dead guy and just immediately gained some humility and compassion to the point where he was nice to inda and more or less accepted evred's rule

i was ready to smack evred so many times throughout the book but it turned out alright