A review by blurrypetals
Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover


I'm trying to think back and remember if I've ever read a pair of companion novels that are the same story told from two POV's before so I have little basis to judge this against anything.

That being said, I found the story in Hopeless to be really engaging and I was definitely invested enough by the end that I cared what Holder had to say when I was finished.

This book pulls a few more strings of closure together, which made it feel much more satisfying, gave a fresh perspective on scenes we were told about or saw firsthand in the previous book. I like the way Holder thinks; he's an interesting person.

I like the narrator for the audiobook well enough but he's gone some interesting inflection on certain things that most narrators wouldn't do. He's also the reader as Nick for the Gone Girl audiobook though and I have to admit, I think he'll make a really great Nick. I have a hard time with male narrators because of when they read girl voices. I've found that women more often can imitate a boy's or a man's voice better than men can imitate a girl's or a woman's voice. He did a fine enough job with the calmer moments, but it's his intense, angry, scary scenes where the actor shines.

Overall, it was a nice extra few pieces that were missing from the first book and, even though certain things were rehashed and details we already knew, it was still a really nice addition to Sky and Holder's story. Colleen sure can write a story and damn, she made me read the same one twice and still made it feel worthwhile.