A review by votesforwomen
Moonblood by Anne Elisabeth Stengl


March 2019:

This is actually my fourth time reading this one? And wow, it’s so good to revisit this story. I remembered nearly everything, but this story...my goodness, it’s like coming home. My sweet, sweet babies. *hugs them allllll* *except Vahe he totally deserves what he got*

It's still so beautiful and I will never get over it. It didn't lose anything on the second read (except that I knew a couple of the plot twists.)

Shrieky fangirly review: [insert here]

Okay, I'm out now. *drops mic*


My feels are crushed.

My ships are sinking.

My heart is broken.

And yet this is one of the best books of the year.

The books have gotten progressively better, too. Heartless was good but not great, Veiled Rose was better, and now Moonblood is the best thing EVER. This means Starflower must be the best book in history. XD

Some things I loved:
-Rose Red/ Varvare. She's one of my all time favorite characters now.
-Leo. He just gets better with every book. I despised him in the first one, tolerated him in the second, and now... *huggles Leo* Ooohhhh, I love this author.
-I adore Ragniprava and Vahe and Anahid as villains too.
-The unicorn was kind of amazing too. I hated it... and then loved it... I think I ended up loving it?
-And Eanrin. Oh my word. I love him so much . He is my favorite. I can't wait for Starflower. He's like the main character in that one.
-Imraldera and Oeric and King Iubdan and Felix and... the characters are the best.
-The Night of Moonblood. Stengl has a way of befuddling me so that I have no idea what the plot twists will be? And it's kind of amazing?

What I didn't like:
-that one plot twist?
SpoilerWhere Leo died? But then didn't? And that's nothing wrong with that, just my feels...

-The fact that my ships are sinking? And I think Stengl isn't writing any more Goldstone Wood books, which means... I'll never find out if my ship is going to work. *sobs*

Finally: Read it. Please. Read the other ones too, but please, read them. You won't regret it.