A review by amyl88
The Cat Who Went to Heaven by Elizabeth Coatsworth


This was shaping up to be a really charming story - struggling artist wins a chance to paint a picture of the Buddha for the temple, which could propel him into stardom and alleviate his suffering. He takes the opportunity to meditate on the life of the Buddha and the various animals he had taken the form of, and decides to paint each animal visiting on his deathbed. I enjoyed the meditations on each animal form, how Buddha used each one to illustrate a philosophy. His little cat, Good Fortune, watches him paint and seems to him to be asking to be included in the painting.

And then, then end. I really hated the ending:
Spoiler the artist didn't think the cat should be in the picture because "cats are usually proud and self-satisfied" and "refused to accept the teachings of Buddha." But the cat was so sad, he decided to include her anyway. When the cat saw that she was included, SHE DIED FROM JOY. WHAT THE ACTUAL F!
I MEAN REALLY HATED IT. In fact, I'm dropping a star now that I'm thinking about it again.

I have decided to try the Newbery challenge again. This one won the Newbery in 1931.