A review by path_through_pages
Red Rising by Pierce Brown


I am so sorry to the fans of this book/series but I ended up DNF. 

I 100% will admit that I may not have been in the right headspace to read this book and I may need to come back to it at a later time, but I could not stand the MMC. 

Someone described it as a teenaged boys fantasy of revolution and that's exactly how it was reading to me. He just felt so bizarrely arrogant and over it all... And I also can't wrap my brain around a universe that's in the future, with a dying earth, and we are on Mars, but women still need to 'mind their tone' and stay in their subservient place... 

It just felt so weird... 

Again, it may be me, I may have been totally off, maybe I'll try again in the future, but right now it's a no from me.