A review by laughlinesandliterature
Fighting for Infinity by Karen Amanda Hooper


*I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
Fighting for Infinity was a good ending for the series. There was so much that had been hinted at in the first books that it was nice to finally have it wrapped up. I will admit to being frustrated at times within this book because I so badly wanted the answers, and they were doled out in tiny little patches.

I really thought Maryah was pretty childish still in this book, and I understand that she erased but it was hard for me to understand why she was so adamant that she knew best. It was very annoying especially since it was easy to see that even other characters were more aware than she was. I think it went to her head that she was once a great seer, but in reality she was just a teenage girl because she erased all of her past lives.

I also really enjoyed the other characters in this book, but there were so many of them it would take to long to list. I will say that Karen Hooper does a great job of creating fleshed out characters who are different from one another even in the minor roles they play.

One of the few things I didn’t like was the ending, and I don’t want to spoil anything but I waited 3 books for Maryah to grow and it was like she went from A to Z very quickly. There was no real character growth as it was just handed to her, and that didn’t sit well with me. Because of that I would give the book 3 out of 5 stars. It was a great book, and when read back to back with the others in the series I think it would have flowed maybe a little better.

*This review was first posted to Moonlight Gleam Reviews http://moonlightgleam.com/2014/06/fighting-for-infinity-by-karen-amanda-hooper-review.html*