A review by missbookiverse
Fallen by Lauren Kate

Did not finish book.
I pushed myself through 50% of the audiobook but that's it now. I did not expect much of this novel because there are tons of bad reviews out there and I must admit: they're all true! Okay, so the writing itself isn't horrible but it's not glorious either, or interesting. A lot of times this story felt like my 12 year old self had written it. I've never been to an American reform school, so I have no idea what it is really like but the way it is described just sounded made up. I mean, seriously, you have to wear a swimsuit the school provides for you? A swimsuit a bunch of girls have worn before you? That's just ridiculous. So is a 15 pages paper about your family tree, especially when you're at boarding school and only have the school library and the internet as research tools (you only get one phone call a week so you can't just call up your grand parents and ask them for family tree documents or something).

But those are just the ridiculous details. The plot is dull and moves too slowly. I read listened to more than 200 pages but there was still no revelation about angels or Luce's past. I read about the rest of the plot on the internet, yes the ending did sound kind of a little exciting but not paired with these characters. Neither Luce nor her love interests were the least bit thrilling or even sympathetic. I just didn't care for them so I decided to put a stop to this.

It's a shame because I really wanted to buy the sequel with its beautiful cover.