A review by ainslieslibrary
Goodbye Days by Jeff Zentner


This. book. was. phenomenal. It touched on something that everyone does; texting. It also mentions a big problem in our digital age; texting while driving. Did you know that texting while driving causes more wrecks than drunk driving does?

With that being said, Jeff Zentner, took this world problem and gave it to a teenager. He sent one text, that resulted in the loss of his closest friends. If that can't get any worse, his friend's parents want him to be put on trial because he caused the deaths. He sent a text, that could have been sent at a different time, but it was sent. Mars, who was driving and texting, should have waited. This accident was no one person's fault, but the blame has to fall to the one still breathing. That part frustrated me. This teenage boy is fighting the grieving process, but also may face life in prison? no. Other than that, I loved the book. I really took my time on it.